

Jailbreak iOS 8.2 (Semi Jailbreak)

Pangu8 just released the Semi Jailbreak for iOS 8.2, This is not a fully untethered jailbreak, But you can install  3rd party apps and themes without root access. Semi jailbreak is specially developed for iOS 8.2 jailbreak. You don't want to download the Windows or Mac tool to do it. You can do it online using your Safari browser. It doesn't install the Cydia Substrate to your device as untethered jailbreak. It installs the Cydia on special web platform and gives a access it though your device. You cannot find the difference between fully jailbreak cydia and semi jailbreak cydia. But some functions are not available with Semi jailbreak.

How to jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta versions

You can use following tools according to the your iOS beta version and computer OS
Please check below for more information about  this jailbreak. TaiG is the recommended method for the iOS 8.2 jailbreak

Pangu8 Unofficial tool for iOS 8.2

This tool only compatible with iOS 8.2 beta 2 Jailbreak, You must have Apple developer account or you have already completed UDID registration to upgrade your device to iOS 8.2

According to Apple iOS 8.2 is the most inaequalis iOS version ever, Therefore jailbreak will be very important to iOS 8.2

Download the Pangu 8.2 unofficial tool

Pangu8 Unofficial tool for iOS 8.2 jailbreak method.

We have tested this tool for iOS 8.2 beta 1 jailbreak. This is alpha version of the tool.

This tool doesn't install the Cydia to your device. You have to install the Cydia manually after the jailbreak process

Here is unofficial jailbreak method to jailbreak iOS 8.2 version with Pangu8 unofficial tool. You should be done this, after Apple release iOS 8.2 version for the public officially.

Step 01. First you should have to download the Pangu 8.2 unofficial tool.

Step 02. Turn off Pass-code lock feature & Find My iPhone feature.

Step 03. Turn on AirPlane mode feature. (you should do this while running Pangu8.2 alpha jailbreak process)

Step 04. Make sure not to disable

Step 05. Connect your iDevice with the PC. You must run the tool as Administrator

Step 06. It will identify your device now.. Then Start the jailbreak. Click on the jailbreak button.

Step 07. While processing, you have to ignore the Disk is almost full warning. Click on the done button.

Step 08. Within few second, jailbreak will be completed. Let it to complete the reboot. Then, slide to unlock your device.

Step 09. Turn off the AirPlane mode. Now you can work with Cydia on your iOS 8.2 device

How to jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta 1 form PP Jailbreak tool

Jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta 2 is possible now. PP Jailbreak tool has updated to run the jailbreak process on iOS 8.2 beta 02. How ever, it is only for Mac users. First of all, use UDiD account or developer account to update the device up to beta version. Then you can follow below guide. Finally, it will be able to download Cydia for your updated beta version.

Step 01. Make sure to turn off Find My iPhone feature, Passcode lock feature and turn on the AirPlane mode feature while you run the jailbreak.

Step 02. Download the PP jailbreak tool

Step 03. Run the downloaded file with double clicking.

Step 04. Then it will open PP Jailbreak dialog box. Drag the PP Jailbreak app into the Application folder.

Step 05. Go to the Application folder on your Mac and run the PP Jailbreak app.

Step 06. Then it will start the jailbreak process. At the middle of the process, you should click on the right button to continue the jailbreak again.

Step 07. Within few seconds, it will complete the jailbreak process with downloading Cydia. Finally, click on the finish button and just wait until reboot the device.

Step 08. Now, turn off AirPlane mode and work with Cydia.

How to jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta 01 & 02 fom TaiG version 1.3

It is easy to jailbreak iOS 8.2 beta 02 version with TaiG tool for Windows users. First, you should upgrade your device’s version up to iOS 8.2 beta 02 using UDiD or developer account. Use above guide to complete it. Then you have to follow this guide to download Cydia for iOS 8.2 beta 02.

Step 01. Get the backup of the iDevice. It is very important thing for every user before run the jailbreak. Do it, as the first step.

Step 02. Lock Screen, Passcode and Find My iPhone features should turn off. While running the jailbreak process, you should turn on the AirPlane mode.

Step 03. Download the latest TaiG 1.3 version.

Step 04. Run the downloaded version now.

Step 05. Keep the check box on of Cydia 1.1.16 and please turn off other check box.

Step 06. You have to wait until TaiG recognize your device’s beta version. Please wait.

Step 07. Start the jailbreak clicking on the jailbreak button.

Step 08. Now, you have completed the jailbreak process on your iOS 8.2 beta 02 version for Cydia. Turn off AirPlane mode and enjoy with Cydia.



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